Martial Arts Instruction in the South Bay, California

Since 2009, Dragon Martial Arts is the place to go in Torrance, California for martial arts instruction! We offer beginner through advanced classes for children, juniors, and adults since. Here you will find programs in the arts of Taekwondo, Hapkido, Aikido, and Olympic style sparring. 

We have one location for students to receive martial arts instruction.

We are confident in giving guidance within children's everyday lives and improve lifestyle. Here at DMA, we strive to teach and implicate important life lessons, leadership, discipline, teamwork, and create a second home for students to come and have fun while learning! 

About Us

Dragon Martial Arts is a dream come true for Grand Master Hojae Yong. He moved to the United States in 2002, with the hopes of achieving his American dream. In early 2009, Grand Master Yong decided to start his own Taekwondo studio. The studio was such a success that by the end of the year, the studio had reached a capacity of over 200 students.

Our teaching method with our students is based on the art of respect and discipline. Our classes are very interactive, especially our Olympic-style sparring classes. We structure learning in a fun and easy to understand way so that every one of all ages can learn and get something meaningful from our classes.

Not only do we teach the lifestyle of taekwondo, but continue to provide multiple outlets for students to grow in their leadership as VOLUNTEERS and make connections with their peers. In addition to classes, for students interested: we proudly represent Dragon Martial Arts in various events with our DEMO TEAM and COMPETITION TEAM



For students Black-Belt and higher, we provide the opportunity to volunteer as INSTRUCTORS. Students are able to come in at appropriate class times and provide help with the flow of our classes and allow a more interactive learning experience.

-Student Instructors: Those that meet the criteria following ( will be award with their appropriate certificate and medal.


Demo Team

Demo Team is available for ALL BELTS following interest with teamwork, leadership, and performance.

DMA demo team is an intricate team of students, where they learn beyond the scope of Taekwondo and learn following rhythmic forms and synchronization. 


Competition Team

Our Competition Team allows for an above and beyond experience of Martial Arts. Within the competition team, students learn the values of discipline, patience, respect, and perseverance as they continue to train and develop their skills at competition status.

Each year, our team competes in around 4 competitions, against hundreds of students across the world.

Enroll at our Taekwondo school.

4220 Pacific Coast Highway
Torrance, CA 90505
Martial Arts classes are for everyone! We are currently accepting new students from the age of 3 years and up, including those with special needs. To find out more about us, call Dragon Martial Arts today at 310-378-9664.
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